Tuesday, February 15, 2011

srikakulam yaatras

this is yaatra time in srikakulam dist may some where else also.almost all yatras start yesterday on auspisious day of beshma ekadasi they happen almost in every village where there is a a bit famous temple and every village has got there own custom in different fashions and village has a set of cultural activity happening trough out the day .In and around my surroundings we got 3to 4 yatras and me and my roommate got invited for almost all yatras from people of the villages.we decided to go to village where anil got invited as one of his staff nurse invited him and this yatra has got some peculiar customs around 6pm i got a car and started for that village i know the road only till DGpuram then anil said it is another village beside DGpuram and it is Chetladhandra.
after asking a few people we went there with difficult on mud roads which is difficult for even  a car to fit in
but when we reached there it was beautiful the entire area is in festival mood and this entire street was filled with banana bunches as roof it is is astonishing when we heard that more than 5000 banana bunches were used to make that roof then after darshan we had dinner at our invites house and we dont want to return on the way we reached there and we went to tekkali to reach highway a longer route but better route  

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