Friday, February 11, 2011

fun on bike and the day

today is full of work in the started as early as 6:00 am few caesarean sections and few general cases
then my  friend Madhu came around 3:00 pm we left for a dabha for lunch but it was closed so we traveled further for another dabha we ate food and latter decided to explore roads
we entered a road opposite the dabha we ate till it ended and latter we took a few turns to reach srikurmam village where srikurmanadha swamy(tortoise avtar of lord vishnu) temple is there after darshan we are in dilemma whether we should go back or continue further we decided the latter
after few turns, mud roads and dust we reached mogadhalpadu there
is these beautiful backwaters
then we went to the beach there we found the soil tight to grip bike and
far away we could see a old wrecked ship and i thought going there on bike is good idea instead of walking
after getting my bike through the loose sand to wet sand we started riding to the wreckage in the way there are big rocks and i went in a zig zag way to avoid rocks and some times i tried to jump over small rocks only to give a bump after a 1 1/2 km we reached the site that was a old cargo container carrier which we learned from people there that it was brought to shore after a cyclone and they are trying to pull completely on to the shore on repair it as it has got life
after wards is the real tough thing returning back in loose sandy soil then we moved even further on the road by this time it was dark and small insects are fitting in face while driving
after driving slowly we reached gara then to narasannapeta gave the bike a quick wash we too took a bath and went for gaganam movie staring nagarjuna the movie was nice but i dont think telugu audience will cheer it

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